NIMBLE SCIENCE has launched a community-based study in Calgary, Canada to support the development of a novel tool to assess gut health by enabling first in kind access to the small intestine.
CALGARY, Canada – January 22, 2023
Nimble Science is proud to announce the launch of our first community-based clinical study to collect small intestine samples from healthy participants and those with different GI conditions. The study is actively recruiting participants with IBS, IBD, Functional Dyspepsia, Celiac and Crohn's Disease within the Calgary community. The goal is to develop the basic understanding of the human small intestine microbiome and metabolome in those healthy and diseased populations. The study is being led by Dr. Christopher Andrews MD MSc FRCPC AGAF, Principal Investigator and Clinical Advisory lead at Nimble Science. The study is supported with funding from the Accelerating Innovation into Care (AICE) program by Alberta Innovates.
“The gut microbiome industry has invested millions of dollars trying to find solutions from the feces." said Dr. Sabina Bruehlmann, CEO of Nimble Science, “It is time to dive deeper into the gut and understand how diet, microbiome and host body cells interact with each other. Our SIMBA capsule technology allows unprecedented access to the small intestine, an area that was very difficult to sample before.”
"This study represents a pivotal step in our goal of developing a clinical test that can help better direct patient care", said Dr. Christopher Andrews. To collect a fluid sample from their small intestine, the patients will need to ingest the SIMBA capsule, a novel sampling device developed and clinically tested by Nimble Science. Nimble has previously completed two clinical studies in Canada. “The capsule performance including the small bowel targeting accuracy in healthy and IBS participants and the multi-omics results comparable to endoscopy aspirate give us the confidence to launch the third pivotal study to expand the SIMBA use to other GI conditions.” added Dr. Joseph Wang, the CTO of Nimble Science, “Microbiome-based solution providers can use our small intestine data to complement and enhance the results of fecal microbiome studies.”
As part of the study, YYC Growers is committing to offering a $30 YYC Grower's Gift Card to all participants. Please visit our website to learn more details about this study.
Click here to learn more or sign up to participate
The study titled, “Evaluation of the Small Intestine Microbiome Aspiration (SIMBA) Capsule for Small Intestinal Dysbiosis” will recruit 150 participants and is expected to be completed within the first half of 2023. The study is being conducted under Investigational Testing authorization from Health Canada (#351643) and Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta (HREBACTC 22-0096). Nimble Science is engaging with a full range of partners to demonstrate the potential of the SIMBA capsule to drive a broad range of innovation and discovery.
Contact: Joseph (Gang) Wang, CEO More details on the study can be found at clinical listing