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Spatially and temporally precise, our non-contaminated sampling methods provide microbiome data points for your research that are comparable to industry gold-standard endoscopy. 

16s Genomics

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PCoA plot demonstrating the degree of similarity between the 16s sequenced bacterial profiles, genus level.

Untargeted Metabolomics

Independent Samples

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Metabolomic heatmap demonstrating stark differences in the metabolites of samples obtained from the SIMBA capsule as compared to fecal, and strong similarities compared to endoscopy. Samples are arranged horizontally.

Targeted Metabolomics

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Stark differences in Short Chain Fatty Acids from different regions of the GI : Endoscopic aspirate from Duodenum; Capsule aspirate from the Jejenum/Ileum and Stool

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Stark differences in Bile Acids from different regions of the GI : Endoscopic aspirate from Duodenum; Capsule aspirate from the Jejenum/Ileum and Stool

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Real Time Capture 

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Capsules ingested with probiotic strains demonstrate the ability of the SIMBA capsule to capture in real-time the arrival of the specific strains to the small intestine.




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Sample Data Set

Experience the difference between SIMBA, Stool, Endoscopy Aspirate and Salivary samples in Multi-omic data from one individual.





Microbiome (16s)

Metabolomic (HILIC)

Demographics:   42 year old Male; BMI: 25.1; Non-smoker

Connect with us to learn how you can access the SIMBA GI Platform data 

The SIMBA capsule is available for use as an Investigational Device within qualified clinical studies. The Nimble team and our global partners are ready to work with you to plan and execute from inception to data delivery. 

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